
Some Bonds Are Stronger Than Blood

en dikt

Kategori: Allmänt

Här är en dikt jag hittade på datorn. Det är jag som har skrivit den alltså.. Jag vet att min engelska inte är den bästa, så tänk inte på den!

Loved You

I'm sitting here alone with nothing more than my memories

The only thing I have is a picture of you and me

You said you would be here

But now I know you told I lie

How stupid was I, to let you fool me?

Its raining outside, its sounds so nice

Like the angels knows about us

Maybe we shouldn't have done, what we did

But I don't want to regret anything

I'm sitting here alone, with so many memories

So many good times we shared, you and me

I remember love, so beautiful

We had a good time, you know we had

So I don't understand, what happened.

You said you would be here, no matter what

And know you are somewhere else.

I woke up this morning in this empty room

Not even a note left from you

The closet is so big now when your things are gone

My memories are the only thing you left for me

I didn't realize I would miss your smell

So much

5/4 - 2008


  • Liindy säger:

    Svar> jo allt bra har. haft lite ont i magen dessa dagarna bara.. skont o gott pa hotellet. Annars ar dt sa varmt! sj i sv da? :D

    Jaa, men dt e studiobilder. sa dom redigera alla bilder sa. Dt daliga e bara att dom andrar ansiktsdragen o dt..

    2008-07-05 | 15:43:19

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